nurtured me. The one who is now approaching end of life. I know readers will beg to differ-and I understand-but my days and my living now are focused on the minutiae. What can I do today-this minute-to keep the bloom on the flower a little longer? There is no bigger picture for her, and therefore not for me. There is no garden to plant for the future. The only garden is the one I am standing in at this moment. It is true, I may reap a harvest in a time to come, as well as pass on what I learn; but the only thing that really matters is right here, right now, within these walls.
under a very small patch of sky. My garden was surrounded by trees that stretched upward and blocked the view of what was beyond. Since the southern sky doesn’t vary much in general-blue, puff clouds, dark: that’s pretty much it-my small patch was even more static. And the North Carolina sky stays put most of the time, way up in the stratosphere.
In North Carolina, I drove two miles to work/church/shopping. My picture frame was confined. Here, I drive 30 miles once a week to yoga and may soon commute there on a second day to church, across the prairie under its big sky. Because my town is small, I regularly step out of it, and my picture frame is much more expansive.
Yesterday, the sky is amazing as I drive to yoga enjoying the eye-popping color of deciduous trees against the deep green backdrop of conifers, as I think about the minutiae and the big picture. The clouds are in layers, with some where they should be, way up in the sky; and others floating close to the ground. I am reminded of a favorite poem by Stanley Kunitz: “Live in the layers, not on the litter.” Life is not on the ground, not in the sky; not in the minutiae, not in the big picture. Life is not in the extremes, but in the layers.
I settle onto my yoga mat, and am aware of the layers of sound. The amplified reverberation of an event on the floor below the yoga loft insinuates its way into my conscious- ness. The whistle of a train shrieks down a nearby track. The shrill squawk of the gulls wheels around the building. And through it all, the calming presence of the yoga music weaves through the layers, grounding me in the space of my mat. I can’t always hear it, it is so soft; then there it is again when I remember to listen for it. It is the thread of the music within the din that reminds me the One Who is More is here in the layers with me: here in the minutiae of these days; here in the big picture; here in the garden all the time.
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